Tuesday, September 18, 2012



To find a purpose of life and do things accordingly to that what you have found, should give you benefit in every aspect, be it moral, ethical, liable, practical, and even understandable that your actions will have positive and collective reactions on this earth after you’re gone. In this life finding a purpose is not hard and neither easy and if you ask how is that possible since many people end up dying during finding this purpose. The only way this can be answered is by knowing there is no escape from death and when death will come, it will come unannounced. So, anything that you’re trying to find or getting towards at you’re also limiting your life span. Human life being limited in this world will always have limited desires and nothing that he thinks will exceed the point towards knowing that, this is first thing humans should know. Secondly, life of any human coming in this world was not an accident. If you don’t even think from a religious point of view, you will know that the person you’ve been hanging out with or your brother, sister, your parents, they all are connected and brings out your personality, either in a positive way or negative, but know that every human has a brain to decide which path to follow and this fork in the road in not worst of a calamity than that of death.

            I have lived long enough to come to this maturity that life without religion or without believing in GOD/ALLAH/LORD in any way will leave a human living a life without purpose, or his purpose will always be limited within the boundaries of this life.
Muslims believing in the hereafter, believing in a purpose that if they do good, will have good and who do bad will get bad that today scientifically proven by Newton’s third law of motion. But as the life span of humans is limited so is the life of this world and it will one day perish and all that left will be our actions that will be given to us on the Day Of Judgment.

            We have given a picture of life how to live it and make it towards the end of it and the picture is as clear as day, that if we believe in ourselves and we trace it well and live it as exactly as the last Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) did, we will surely reach to the point where there is no doubt. And if even after looking at the picture instead make it our own, that will make us our own god that will make us fall in the pit that we were not suppose to be from. But we willed and so the reaction will.

            Surah Asr, is such a beautiful Surah that if we concentrate our lives on just this surah and put our actions in it, we will make our life worth living and happily dying to meet our Creator (ALLAH).

             This is what purpose of life is all about since man is in loss of time and death is inevitable. Death will come like it came to the people before us and to before them.

In the Holy Quran (Surah Baqarah Verse 28):

  In the Holy Quran (Surah Al-Imran Verse 185):

In the Holy Quran (Surah Al-Anbiya Verse 35):

And death is like sleeping, where the conscious is alive and awake but the soul is out. We will know when we will be getting buried and could not scream out. When the slap is closed, that is the end and people will walk away but what will happen to us in the grave, the questions will start. While the people who we left behind; after a period of time, when the grieving has ended. They will start their normal routine till the day comes and they will die.

             Our lives are based on deeds, and we will be judged accordingly on the Day of Judgment and we will be distributed either among the people of paradise or the hell fire. May Allah have mercy on us and guide us to the right path which Allah loves and give us courage to follow the Last Prophet Muhammad on whom this beautiful book “Al-Qur’an” was revealed and is still intact as it was before till the Day of Judgment.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Broken Violin (Short Story - I)

There used to be a boy and his mother who lived alone a bit far away from the city. They were poor who had less means to eat every day yet they tried and were happy together.  The mother used to work part time with a tailor who used to give her something to do and paid her in a dime or few. The boy was 8 years old and worked as a newspaper delivery boy in the city. He used to pass by this shop where he used to buy a loaf of bread. He would find a man standing there with a violin in his hand, playing the music of pure heartfelt noise. The boy used to sometimes forget why he was there and just be mesmerized when the street violinist played his music, standing there for hours.  He thought to himself that one day he would buy himself a violin and become rich with his music,  people will stand before him and tell him that they are cured with such soulful sound that he could play.  The boy used to work in the mornings and went home at night. His mother asked him almost everyday

“Where do you go all day?”

 And the boy told her,

“I want to play the violin and make you rich and not let you do a thing.”

All day he dreams of the music he'll play when he grows up. His mother with tears in her eyes said,

“You will be a miracle child that will make your mother proud one day.”

But then seasons came and passed, their situation was getting a bit better, the tailor had more work which he would share with the boy’s mother and she had been saving some money for her loving son, for some time now she had fallen ill and the boy had grown almost 4 years older now, doing the same thing as he had been doing.  Dreaming of the day he would play his violin. This year his birthday came when he was about to turn 12. His mother had saved some money and the tailor had given her some loan to buy her son a gift he's been waiting for. The boy came home early that day and his mother told him to stay home because she is going in the city and she will be right back. The boy’s mother went in the city and bought him the best violin she can and while coming home that day of surprises brought a storm and the storm had lifted its plan to be heavy. She tried to rush home in her weak health and she almost had reached when she slipped and fell down the riverbank and into the river yet holding tightly to the violin case. The tailor was passing down that road when he heard a gasping scream and ran towards with a lantern in his hand and saw her there and rushed towards her to save her. He wrapped her in his coat and ran towards her home. A loud bam on the door made the boy jump and he ran and opened it and saw his mother trembling with fever and cold and held firmly by the tailor yet she did not let go of the violin. The boy saw her in so much pain asked the tailor while crying in shock,

“What had happened?”

 The tailor ordered the boy,

“Get the water warmed up and put on some tea, your mother was bringing you a present when she fell into the river. She was already sick from before.”

But her being all wet in this storm took the turn for the worst. His mother lying in her bed as the clock struck 12. She pulled her son near and said,

 "Happy Birthday, this is for you my dear.”

And she gave the violin in his hands while holding him near to her cheek.  She said,

"I love you my son... here, play a tune so I can hear".

Tears in her son's eyes told a story how he did not want what he had been dreaming of like this. She thought he would be surprised but that became the darkest day of his life. He played the last note that his mother heard as she died on a day that brought surprise of pain to the boy’s heart. He screamed for his mother to return.  He sat on her bedside till the morning came and wished he hadn't wished for something he would never gain. Now he sits with his violin on the table and thinks this is a curse and not a tune enabled. He opened the case to put the violin back in. It had a letter, saying “To My Son”.  He opened the letter and as he read tears poured down his cheeks. It was a letter that his mother wrote to him before buying him his surprise. She wrote that

“My time has come to go far away from you where your father is and we will be listening to your music. The dream you had shall never fade away. You will make us proud standing in front of a huge crowd as they will never want you to stop playing your violin. I wish I had lived for more years to see you grow and find a pretty girl and have children, ha’ my grandchildren. Never be sad as I am with your father now, in a better place and we are always with you and looking over you. You will grow up to be a fine young man.

Goodbye my dear child,

Your loving mom.”

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Letting Go Of The Memories!

My words are torment of time and age; I seek whatever I can to get by each day. Standing on the edge of the mountain and singing a song of hope, well, deliberate act of mistake can make people understand me less. I hum my song to the verge of coincide everyone’s feeling. I seek positive replacements and utter words that motivate them, to step away from an edge, to make their will far greater than they see. Awaken moments and broken promises that are enforced on us to play their song over and over again till you forget to hum the song of hope that was given from the day you were born. Yes, innocence that has left you now, you seek its virginity broken in demise. But your shyness and shame would cover your dignity enough to make a change for tomorrow. A voice inside you will scream even then, “There is no such thing as love”. Yet, you will seek day in and day out for once that was yours. “Believe…” a voice will echo, like a light you seem to have forgotten, yet have found a road. You will stand and walk and lay, as a child you dreamt of a place that was once. Your fury will lead to a greater danger but remember the song you once sung is still in your heart. The place you dreamt will play your song of hope. Take your courage from the smallest details to the deepest slumbers. “Be at peace”, will say the time, “for you have reached a place where everything is mine, lay your head low, destination is a place where you will go”.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Graduating From The World!

We are a tool of learning and teaching from the day we are born till the day we die. Our basic learning starts from home.  Our parents or people that are in our surroundings, when they do something or the way they do or say, we try to copy and even learn from those movements. The context of learning is impossible to describe since it is incomplete and more innovative ways are being discovered every day. "Learning and Teaching" basic science, it is as same as "Receiving and Giving", it can also be derived as "Exchange of Thoughts and Actions". This exchange of thought, knowledge, collaborated argument, conversation etcetera are a few context of understanding how we are learning and getting our learning into teaching across.

"Wondering how your world works, wondering how your mind works" ... ~by Random_Hijabi (Check her out on tumblr http://randomhijabi.tumblr.com/ )

But the actual understanding and knowledge comes in practicality and from which we understand one another without us speaking to each other. What makes a situation same with us the most is a feeling proportionately same to the other person who is in that state. Things we undergo psychologically and emotionally, so, learning in its own perspective area has deep root to a tree whose branches keep going.

When we personally deal with situations or take a certain decisions, the consequence of a few situations we can predict and derive the outcome and many we take on chances from which we learn as well, regardless of the result be good or bad. Taking wisdom as knowledge and applying it in our daily life is a form of learning. We usually learn from our elders, or people of knowledge regardless of age, there are certain kids that are mature in understanding life than those who are older to them. We come under this amazement of a brain that keeps taking in and sets different places for us to derive them when we need them again. 
Imagination and dreams are tools of learning as well from which we try to make impossible into possible.

The world today has come from thoughts into possibilities, where people dreamed and now can be actually done through something known as “Scientific Research”.  But any person at the end of day should know the basics of life. The Small steps we take can be turned into tortures for ourselves. Graduation from this world needs courage and confidence of the mind and heart.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hunger Of Dreams; Actions Can Satisfy!

Choices are my red alerts that make my path’s direction change and that might make me stay in a reverie forever. Experiences make our genes and these genes are made through a person’s character. There is a saying “You are what you eat”. Eating is a factor to control a certain person’s ability and desires, for example, when a person desire’s to eat a cheese burger and thinks about exercising would result him to do nothing. So the factor will be zero until he fulfills his desire and does not exercise, this will try to bring the person under the factor of diet but there is none until exercised.

Now, what is a definition of a dream? It is a destination between two points which starts from desire and ends on satisfaction, either fulfilling the need of your emotions or yourself would result into a goal. When a person is bored, most of the time the mind confuses with the thoughts of impossibilities to which day dreams are defined. There are some that can be made possible through a fictional projection.

What does destination has to do with dreams? Well, as long as there is “Time” included in any phase, force may lead the desire to a certain goal means a destination has to be recovered in that certain time or it may flow with time and forgotten.

Today in life our last dream is to live in peace and harmony with our loved ones before even they are taken away from us. We should choose those options which are better for us and better for others. But, how can two couples live together? Even they get divorced after a minute or two. Time is running fast and yes, we are running out of options that may cause a disaster for tomorrow.

I can understand is, time takes us to place where there is hope for everyone and especially for those who have lost their way. We should realize that living in dreams cannot make the dreams come true until made possible by trying (a.k.a "Action"), no matter whatever the consequences may be. We should all dream to succeed but only if we want to live for the gift that moment brings us.